
Born on May 9, 1986, Chris has Late Onset Tay Sachs (LOTS) Disease, also known as Sandhoff Disease. His older brother Sean also suffers from an advanced case of LOTS. “Chris is not a quitter,” his mother Debbie says. “To this day, he has never complained or felt sorry for himself.” Chris is proud of graduating from high school and attending Seneca Vocational College for two years.

He was also determined to try a rock-climbing wall, even though the idea made him nervous. “I began to climb and made it to the top. I learned not to give up, and to believe in myself,” he said. Debbie explains how he doesn’t allow the disease to rule his life. Chris never stops smiling, and has a positive attitude. He is considered ‘our Little Big Man.’”

Debbie would like to thank the NTSAD organization, the March of Dimes, and Canada’s Assistive Devices Program, for their tremendous help and support.